Beyond Film School was founded by Amber M Sherman
From Buffalo, NY, raised in a low-income family, Amber never thought a life in the film industry could ever be a reality. She left Buffalo and relocated to LA, and then NYC to pursue her career in film. With no contacts in the industry she started from zero when she moved to NYC. As she learned how to navigate the business she started to make YouTube videos to help others on the same journey as herself. Her YouTube channel is what started it all and Beyond Film School was born.
Amber is currently a working 1st Assistant Director in the film industry in the NYC area. Beyond Film School’s goal is to give back to people who were once like her – a person that just needed a chance to prove themselves. She wants to give people that chance they need that can launch their career.
She is dedicated to giving the real perspective on how it works in the film industry. Her real insight to what it’s like working in film is an eye-opener for a lot of people that want to work in film. Amber is here to help and prepare you for the, sometimes harsh, reality that is the film world. Her videos on the film industry give people free advice, with all the added information on the Beyond Film School website. On this site you’ll find videos that she still makes for YouTube, resume tips, and networking tips and events in the NYC area. If you find you need more of her help, Amber has a Set PA training Course to become a Set PA.
Want to contact Amber? Feel free to shoot her an email:
If you want to know more about Amber here is her story: