Film Career Consultation

Let’s have a chat!

Sometimes all you need is some personal feedback, conversation, and advice tailored to your situation when it comes to your film career, and I am here for it. Get some clarity for your career path with a One-on-One Consultation.

After payment is received you will be contacted for scheduling

Film Production Resume Services

Creating a Film Industry Resume is a very daunting and difficult task. Let’s be honest – sometimes you’re flying blind when it comes to making a Film Production Resume. You can ease the pain with the resume services offered.

Beat the competition, and get the film jobs and gigs you need to start your film career!

These services are for anyone looking to get into film, or get further in your film career, whether you have no experience, a few credits, or a bunch of experience.

If you are getting a resume review please email your resume (in PDF format) to: