Resume Workshop

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Resume Workshop
Product Details

Writing a resume in general is a grueling process that no one enjoys! We all hate writing our resumes! Let's make the resume building process less mysterious, a lot easier, and make your resume produce results!

This resume workshop will take you through what your resume should look like for the film production industry. It will go section by section of what you should, and shouldn't have on your resume, what to do to make your resume stand out,

Your regular corporate resume template is not going to look the same as a film production resume.

Don't want to wait for the next live Film Production Resume Workshop? No Problem!

You can watch a previous Live Resume Workshop session here.

This Workshop is about 1 hours and 22 Minutes in length.

What is covered?

- What your resume should have

- What your resume should NOT include

- Things that will make your resume end up in the "NO"pile

- What keywords you want and DON'T want on your resume

- The "Objective" section - let's talk about it

- What you need to focus on if you have no "experience"

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